Friday, June 13, 2008


We begin at about 5 to 10 million years ago
Arboreal ape and hominid species and population explosion due to superior adaptation to forested environment and physical prowess.

The spread of grasslands on earth, The dwindling of forest cover
The spread of hominid species out of forests due to heightened competition pressures. Grain eating plains hominids emerge.
Emergence of bipedalism to travel far and wide over open spaces across the globe to avoid conflict with other apes and hominids, find food and escape predators. The first of a series of migrations that ultimately colonized the whole world.

The early tool users appear both among apes and hominids. Hominids also discover fire.
Several waves of migration and colonization of all niches of the world by several hominid species.
Severe competition among hominids on the plains coupled with serious predation by large carnivores creates resilient populations of plains hominids.
The first partnerships with competing species – dogs become faithful friends of some hominid species.
Stable populations of hominids occupying the lower middle of the food chain in the open forest environment – small itinerant groups, eating grains and roots and scavenging bones, living in constant fear of tigers, leopards, snakes and other wild animals
The discovery of the killing weapon from hand tool. The discovery of the homicide weapon – the first step in modern human evolution. Hominid society disintegrates as the dominance hierarchy is inverted.
The first mass genocide – the decimation of hominid populations. Repeated genocides and chaotic societal life drives the “killing” hominid species close to self annihilation.
An explosion in brain development occurs as a survival mechanism and the characteristic large brain and superior intelligence of humans begin to develop in the hominid ancestors.
The first exhibition of intelligence – “we survive or perish together,” The appearance of primitive languages, and rituals. The emergence of groups, clans, tribes and primitive religions – “us against them mentality”. Ornaments, paintings, singing (primitive songs without words), dancing, rituals and customs emerge to tie individuals together.
(The mass killings would have created severe stress in the hominid species. The ancestors of modern humans adapted to this stress by quickly developing intelligence that could deal with abstract concepts such as love for fellow beings, unity, forgiveness, kinship etc. Thus they could predict that self destruction was imminent unless aggression was controlled and channeled towards ‘enemies’. But for the rapid brain development, the killing weapon in the hands of the hominids having less intelligence would have caused hominid populations to crash below sustainable levels)
Sex is institutionalized to avoid deadly conflicts within groups. Monogamy and marriage are adopted despite their unsuitability to hominid way of life in small groups of cooperative breeders. Paternity is recognized and becomes an important part of individual identity.
The rapid killing and elimination of most of the ape species by the dominant hominid species and the driving of the remaining into deep impenetrable forests. This is due to their resemblance to hominids which makes them appear as threats. They were also easier to annihilate than the more ‘resourceful’ hominid enemies.
Hunting wild animals for food is discovered as opposed to scavenging carried out so far. Hominids develop better weapons such as the spear and bow and arrow. The concept of bravery is born in human ancestors.
The first wars and the discovery of the effects of rape – both resulting in reducing “them” and increasing “us”. Rape, through prevalent earlier in apes and hominids, suddenly becomes a powerful weapon. Deification of the female womb and prominence of the Mother Goddess cult appear.
(The proliferation of rape is the main reason for the disappearance of all the hominid species except us. Rape caused the next generation to resemble the rapist. It was easily interpreted that by raping a woman her capacity to give birth to her own kind was lost. Thus mass rapes of rival hominid species were seen as a quick way to conquer and subjugate them. The females quickly began covering their genitals and the community enforced this practice to protect their women. Simultaneously the female womb became an object of worship due to the prominence given to it)

Modern humans begin dominance and cover their genitals. The male penis becomes a strong symbol of aggression and the male is attacked if it is exposed. The female genitalia and breasts become signals of submission and invite attack as sign of unfaithfulness from own clan members if exposed.
The repeat genocides and mass rapes continue – almost all the hominid species disappear as they are murdered and raped into extinction. Unlike the great apes not even impenetrable forests could save even a single hominid species from their more resourceful enemies – Homo sapiens.
The last few surviving hominid species cover their genitals, and are capable of using weapons. Ancestors of modern humans differentiate themselves by their skill at weapon use, language skills and strategic and closely cooperative aggression.
The rapid spread of Homo sapiens into every corner of the world including Australia and Americas.
The last of the hominids like the Neanderthals cease to exist as distinct species. Their extinction is hurried by intense competition and aggression from modern humans. Their genes enter modern humans through rape of their women.
As aggression turns inwards after eliminating all hominid enemies the first slaves are taken and forced to work for the masters in exchange for being allowed to live – the same idea applied to animals gives rise to domestication of horses, cattle, fowl etc.
Discovery of wheel, carts, catamarans etc enable humans to move faster and farther away from the unending internal conflicts.
The world is colonized by humans as they wipe out all opposition and climb high on the food chain.

A short period of stability while populations settle into their niches. Many populations ritualize conflict and sex. They even go to the extent of discarding clothes and going naked and have mock wars and enact sacrifices to keep runaway aggression under control. These populations survive to this day as primitive tribes and foragers in various stages of modernization all over the world. All ancient religions trace their origins to this period. Folklore and poetry make their appearance and are passed orally down the generations. The concepts of beauty and aesthetics appear
Beginning of agriculture as populations prefer to remain in one locality for food security and out of way of others who could create conflict. It also is influenced by slavery of peasants who exchange labor for security. Landlords appear as the first masters.
The emergence of leaders as kings, emperors, beginning of trade and commerce, the development of writing and revival of wars, slavery, homicide, rape and looting. Civilization emerges as we know it.
We end at around 10 to 30,000 years ago.

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